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ID 1279030

Sador Kassa D. 30 let

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 Kde hledám práci

Brno + 30 km ochota dojíždět Mapa

Vzdělání Vysokoškolské

Masaryk University

Computer Systems, Communication and Security

září 2023 – dosudVysokoškolské

CPU Business and Information Technology College

Project Management

říjen 2020 – únor 2023Vysokoškolské

University of Gondar

Computer Science

říjen 2013 – červenec 2017Bakalářské

Praxe 5 let a 7 měsíců

Information Network Security Agency (INSA).

PKI Implementation Team Supervisor

září 2021 – srpen 2023 2 roky

Managed and directed all activities within the system security team, strategically planning task execution and evaluating team progress. Provided technical leadership, fostering effective communication and collaboration across various teams. Identified and addressed issues related to system monitoring and processes, developed test case scenarios, and conducted functionality and requirement compliance testing. Formulated requirements and technical specifications for PKI solutions. Conducted training sessions on PKI concepts and implementation, enhancing team knowledge and skills. Assisted in the definition, design, and deployment of PKI systems, ensuring optimal performance. Regularly conducted security checks and troubleshooting to maintain system integrity and security. Configured Root CA, a pivotal component of PKI infrastructure, to issue trusted certificates and ensure secure communications. Configured LUNA HSM, safeguarding cryptographic keys and strengthening data protection mechanisms.

Information Network Security Agency (INSA).

System Security Engineer

únor 2018 – září 2021 3 roky a 8 měsíců

Engineered, implemented, and monitored security measures to protect computer systems, networks, and information, ensuring robust security infrastructure. Prepared and documented standard operating procedures and protocols, enhancing operational efficiency and consistency. Conducted SSL configuration on selected servers, enhancing data encryption and secure communication protocols. Monitored existing processes and proposed improvements, driving continuous process enhancement. Successfully deployed PKI applications and services, contributing to the establishment of secure digital identity and communication frameworks. Stayed abreast of the latest security technology and trends, ensuring up-to-date knowledge and skills. Conducted regular audits and provided comprehensive reports, ensuring transparency and accountability in system security. Managed the lifecycle of digital certificates, encompassing creation, provisioning, renewal, and revocation, to ensure the sustained security of systems.



Řidičský průkaz

B - osobní auta

Technické znalosti

Další programy a počítačové znalosti

Web Servers: Apache, NginX, and IIS. HSM: Luna Google Analytics Power BI Application Servers: Tomcat, JBoss and Glassfish. Certificate Generation Tools: Openssl, Keytool, EJBCA Web-related technologies: HTML, CSS


Mé silné stránky


Ochota učit se



Spolehlivost, zodpovědnost


Zvládání stresu, práce pod tlakem

Mohu nabídnout

Asertivní jednání

Řešení problémů pomocí kritického myšlení

Schopnost práce v kolektivu a týmové práce

Srozumitelná a efektivní komunikace

Tvůrčí (kreativní) myšlení

Manažerské dovednosti

Budování a vedení týmu (leadership)


Google Analytics

prosinec 2023

Certified in Cyber security (CC)

leden 2023

compTIA Security+

červen 2022

Software Engineering

leden 2022

Klientský servis

ilustrtivní obrázek operátorky
Po - Pá  8 - 17 hod.

+420 777 77 45 45